Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Super bird expert!☺☺

It is Green Week and this morning we had a visit from a park ranger  who used to be a teacher at our own school!! She talked to us about native birds and how to keep them safe. She also showed us some predator birds and predator  animals. She told us all about the Kereru and the Tui.

We learned about how Possums and Totes came to New Zealand .
The fact I found most interesting was that the Possums and Totes came from Auzzi and Europe. 
To look after the native birds we must kill Possums and Totes to make their population go down.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Friday, 26 July 2019

Comparing and Contrasting!

On Friday the 26th of July I created( and sort of copied) a Compare and Contrast Drawing. The topic was "Heroes" so I compared  Myself with Spiderman and this is what I came up with.Compare and Contrast

My word art!!!

On Friday the 26th of July I created a Word Wall full with 999 words in it...

You Don't need superpowers or a cape to be a hero!!!

Friday, 5 July 2019


Here it is! My Matariki Book Creator( SORRY FOR THE LATE NOTICE:|) I loved this task because I really liked using Book creator.com. I hope you really like it because I worked hard on it. :)

Mars DLO

ON THE 16TH OF JUNE, I Made  a  Mars slide. I really liked this task because  I had so much fun and one fact that I learnt is that  Mars can reach as low as 124% C.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

My Learning Journal 2019

On Wednesday the 2nd of July, I had my parent interview. I had some ups and some downs.  The thing that shocked my Mum the most was my slide, she looked shocked and loved it. I had so much Fun.


Learning Journal