Wednesday 18 September 2019

Day 1: The Greatest Library😀

Gracefully, the unattended girl read forever, after one book, she would read another.She sat on the blue chair. The sunset on the horizon was perfect, the breeze was just right to read a book. The books name was "Hanslet and Jettle"( I do not know how to spell that.) As the girl read her book, the birds which were books started to fly north, this was no ordinary library. But a happy place to read. The best day ever, she thought.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bitner. Well done on using an -ly to begin your writing. I like the sentence describing the horizon and the breeze. Could you describe the library a bit more? I would like you to read your writing to check that your sentences are not too long. Where you have used a comma, could you use a full stop instead? Think about where to best end your idea and begin your next idea (use a full stop). Great work, Bitner.


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